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Spring Open-Air

[[en]]Date: [[de]]Datum:

May 1, 2023



[[en]]Description: [[de]]Beschreibung:

We’re thrilled to invite you to another Open Air at the Nuthepark PotsdamFree EntryLineup:Sabuget no b2b rocco ArizonaMetMartiInfos:Location: Nuthepark, 14473 PotsdamThe Park is located next to the Potsdam Hauptbahnhof. Approximately 5min walk awayPlease keep in mind that we want to create a savespace and will not tolerate any kind of racism, sexism and homophobia.Your Basskontakt Crew

  • Sabu!
  • get no b2b Rocco Arizona
  • MetMarti
[[en]]In collaboration with: [[de]]In Kooperation mit:
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Spring Open-Air
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